Sunday, 18 November 2007

What this is all about

This blog thing is all about me. I'm a brand new kids'character created to become a much loved kids' character who enhances the lives of countless children in the future, just like Spongebob and Bungle and Johnny Ball who all taught countless children to count.

Cos children do count. And not just on their fingers. They are important and special and precious. And just like they shouldn't be fed rubbish food but need a variety of high quality yumminess to help their bodies grow strong and healthy, so they also need lots of high quality fun things to help their spirits grow strong and healthy too. And that includes telly.

So I'm about to fulfil my destiny. I've done the training - I didn't have a mentor like a jedi who spoke, but I can still make a light sabre noise and more importantly can conduct interviews bouncing on a trampoline, have my own skateboard and my own fur. And it's purple, which is definitely a good qualification I've always thought.

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